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Home Books & Games Business The Miracle: The Epic Story of Asia's Quest for Wealth

The Miracle: The Epic Story of Asia's Quest for Wealth

Price: €12.91
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Spanning nine countries, filled with heroic tales of bold decisions and self-sacrifice, and probing vast historical undercurrents, "The Miracle" takes readers inside private boardroom meetings, heated business negotiations, factory floors, and presidential cabinet sessions for a behind-the-scenes look at the events that shaped Asia's economic ascent - and will shape the world in the century to come. With this insider's view, Michael Schuman uncovers how outsourcing to Asia began, how Asia's most successful companies became global corporations, and reveals the technological changes and global economic shifts that made Asia's boom possible. Schuman focuses on the compelling human side to this economic story, and readers will meet the political strongmen, the entrepreneurs, and the key policymakers who shared the same dream: to uplift Asia to its proper place of influence in the world and eradicate the poverty around them.

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by GDPR 21-05-2018, 17 Nov 2014

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by GDPR 21-05-2018, 15 Nov 2014

Чрез възможността за оценка на продукта на Вашите клиенти се предоставя възможността да споделят впечатленията от продукта или Вашия магазин и на следващи потенциални клиенти.Позитивните мнения и коментари на могат да доведат до бърз ръст в продажбите.

by GDPR 21-05-2018, 30 Oct 2014

Позитивните ревюта от настоящи клиенти дават усещане за сигурност на потенциалните такива.