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Home Accessories Bags Black leather clutch

Black leather clutch

Price: €102.26
  • Rating: (2)
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  • Weight:
    0.800 Kgs
Here you write a short description of the product and emphasize its remarkable features. We advise you to briefly, clearly and accurately describe the most important things that your customers need to know.

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The description is key to the success of your business and will determine whether you convert a visitor into a customer or turn them away with vague texts and a lack of essential details. It is important to write the product descriptions yourself that your online store will offer. Do not copy texts from other websites, because there is a possibility that Google and other search engines will penalize you for this. You will achieve higher search positions if you publish original product descriptions. Here are some golden rules for writing product descriptions:

Sell dreams!

  1. Good descriptions make the reader feel happy and proud to buy the item. Or, to put it succinctly: sell dreams, not specs. If you know your target audience well and know what motivates them to buy, you will be able to present the products in a way that intrigues them.

  2. Don't underestimate the details!

    While selling dreams, however, be sure to include product details as well. They can be positioned further down, but you should certainly provide information about anything that might interest the user.

    For example, if we are selling a "Travel Coffee Mug", the customer would be interested in what colors it comes in, whether it is suitable for cold and hot drinks and how long it will keep them hot, how many milliliters it holds, etc. If you can compare it to a familiar object, it increases the chance that the visitor will get a good idea of its size.

  • Images are also important, but don't expect them to replace the need for a comprehensive description—some details can't be determined from a product photo alone.

  • You will gain additional trust if visitors can read reviews from your customers under the product description.

  • In case there are reviews of the product in the media - include the references to them.

  1. What's in the box?

    If you offer products that come with additional items such as cables, headphones, etc., be sure to mention them as well. The reverse is also true - if the product needs batteries and you will not supply them, do not spare this information to consumers. You will not earn points if, upon opening the box, the customer discovers that they need additional accessories to use their new purchase and cannot do so immediately.

  2. Sell benefits, not terms

    When product descriptions contain a list of technical specifications, you can't expect all users to understand them. Explain the terms by stating the advantages they give.

    It is important that you formulate the customers' conclusion about the technical characteristics of the product, rather than letting them reach it on their own.

by GDPR 21-05-2018, 18 Nov 2014

На това място вашите клиенти ще могат да задават въпроси относно продукта, да изразяват своето мнение за качествата на продукта, и споделят задоволството си от Вашето обслужване.

by GDPR 21-05-2018, 04 Nov 2014

Тук клиентът има възможност да сподели своето мнение за продукта или за Вашето обслужване. Освен с коментар, той може да изрази мнението си и с 5-степенна система за оценка - от Слаб до Отличен.